Get To Know Our Illustrator Coordinator, Emily House

Created January 29, 2024 by Elizabeth Sparg

South Africa

Emily House, our Illustrator Coordinator, has been busy over the past year. We are so proud of her achievements but also wanted to draw your attention to this article on Words and Pictures, the SCBWI British Isles blog, where Emily was recently featured.

Emily House, our Illustrator Coordinator, has been busy over the past year. Aside from taking care of her SCBWI responsibilities she:

- Published her third Author-illustrated picturebook, Treemergency!

- Illustrated two other books: Lakshmi and the Cosmic Ocean and The Dog with the Broken Wag

- Earned a Crystal Kite Award for her book, Bailey and Blanket

We are so proud of her achievements but also wanted to draw your attention to this article on Words and Pictures, the SCBWI British Isles blog, where Emily was recently featured. It's a very interesting read if you'd like to find out more about Emily's work and her journey into children's publishing.

Excerpt from the Words and Pictures Article:

"This month's Featured Illustrator is Emily House. She is originally from England and is now based in Cape Town, South Africa. Emily has three traditionally published author-illustrated children's books and is the Illustrator Coordinator of SCBWI in South Africa.

During my childhood I spent many an hour cocooned in my bedroom using dried-out felt-tips, crayons and coloured pencils to concoct penny-sweet-fuelled creations on scrap paper my dad had brought back from his office. Quite often they were birthday cards for family, (I have five siblings so that alone kept me busy), and sometimes they were mini-illustrated stories which I folded, hole-punched and secured with treasury tags, (more supplies sponsored by Dad’s office!).... " Read the rest of the article on the Words and Pictures Blog.  

You can also check out her work here or on her website or instagram.

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