
Scholarships offered annually by Brazos Valley SCBWI:

Applications are open till March 31st!

Fill out our fast and simple application form here:

Amplifying Unsung Voices

Our Amplifying Unsung Voices scholarship program is a key part of Brazos Valley SCBWI’s mission to help our regional membership become as diverse as Texas itself. The scholarships are open to members and non-members who self-identify with populations traditionally underrepresented within children’s literature/publishing. The first AUV scholarship was awarded during the 2020 Leap into Kidlit Conference (thanks to the generosity of founding SCBWI Brazos Valley member Kathi Appelt, we were able to offer an additional scholarship). This is generally offered for the SCBWI Summer conference, Winter conference and there are plans to include it in the new All Texas Regions conference.

BV Member Scholarship

At Brazos Valley SCBWI we believe in investing in our members! This scholarship has been awarded to regional members in order to help them attend SCBWI’s Winter and Summer conferences and there are plans to include it in the new All Texas Regions conference.


Brazos Valley Blooms scholarship: 

- We're excited to give back to our community! Open to both paid premium members and non-members residing in the Brazos Valley SCBWI region*

Additional Scholarships for All Y'all conference, May 2024:

Y'all Means All scholarship

Illustration Scholarship

For more details please visit the conference scholarship page.

Champion a new scholarship!

Help our Brazos Valley writers bloom! If you have an idea for a scholarship or would like to fund a scholarship, please email brazosvalley-ra @