About Us

Learn about our chapter volunteers

Your chapter volunteers

SCBWI regions are run by members like you! SCBWI leaders are all volunteers who have committed to helping others get the most out of their membership.

The SCBWI Canada East Regional Team helps members of Canada East feel supported and connected to a local creative community of writers, illustrators, and translators of children’s literature.

Our Regional Team members are:

Regional Advisor (RA) — Michelle Jodoin, canadaeast-ra@scbwi.org

Assistant Regional Advisor (ARA) — Elena Dee, canadaeast-ara@scbwi.org

Illustrator Coordinator (IC) — Marie-Laure Couët, canadaeast-ic@scbwi.org

Translator Coordinator (TC) — Kelly Zhang, canadaeast-tc@scbwi.org

And we could not deliver our programs without the help of our webmaster. Rachel Eugster works diligently to ensure that our website is up to date, that event registration runs smoothly, and that our members have access to resources to help them on their creative journey. She also serves as our web editor. Contact Rachel.

Our cast of volunteers does not end there. The Regional Team owes an enormous debt of gratitude not only to our webmaster but to the many volunteers who help ensure that our chapter continues to be active and vibrant:

Our Get-Together Coordinators organize free local events, providing opportunities to socialize and network with other SCBWI members. Others volunteer at conferences and retreats, or with specific tasks.

More help is always appreciated! If you would like to pitch in, please reach out to any of us, at the email addresses given above. Volunteering is a wonderful way to deepen your knowledge of the industry and your craft.

To read more about our team members, visit our SCBWI profiles by clicking on the images below. If you have any questions, we’re here to help.

Regional team and webmaster

Michelle Jodoin
Regional Advisor
Elena Dee
Assistant Regional Advisor
Kelly Zhang
Translator Coordinator
Marie-Laure Couët
Illustrator Coordinator
Rachel Eugster
Author, Editor