Laura Crawford Memorial Mentorship

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Congratulations, Melissa Rafson Friedman!


Picture Book Manuscript, ANYTHING BUT PLAIN

It’s been 9 years since our Region initiated the Laura Crawford Memorial Mentorship and, thanks to our mentors, this opportunity has grown and evolved over time. In Melissa's work with Lisa, they honor Laura's memory and the collegial spirit that makes our Illinois Region great. It is an important opportunity for Illinois authors, who are changing the landscape of our industry one story at a time. About Melissa's mss, mentor Lisa Katzenberger says," I love the story's themes of wanting to belong and self-acceptance. This story has a good foundation to build on and I am excited to help guide you on Bagel's journey."

about Laura


Laura Crawford, Author

This mentorship was established in memory of picture book author Laura Crawford, an active and enthusiastic member of our Illinois chapter, who made it her mission to help other writers on their publishing journeys. A tireless cheerleader, with an encyclopedic knowledge of publishing houses, she nudged people to go to conferences, asked about others’ projects, and shared whatever she knew. Funny and determined (she submitted manuscripts every Sunday!), her life revolved around other people. In her job as an elementary school reading specialist, she inspired a love of books in those for whom she wrote. She was a mentor herself—as an educator and as a writer.

Who supports this prize?

Illinois does not receive your dues to support its fee free mentorships and scholarships! This scholarship is supported by Illinois' event attendees and the profits of our paid programming, after faculty, venue and other programming expenses paid. If you would like to make a donation to the Laura Crawford Memorial Mentorship, please contact us at It is through conference fees and generous donations that SCBWI-Illinois is able to make such opportunities available.

When is this opportunity offered?

The schedule of the Laura Crawford Memorial Mentorship is on an 18-month rotation that alternates focus between novel and picture book. SCBWI-IL can choose not to award the mentorship for a given cycle.

Laura's books

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In Arctic Waters (Sylvan Dell, 2013)


Benjamin Franklin from A to Z (Pelican Publishing, 2013)

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The American Revolution from A to Z (Pelican Publishing, 2009)

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The Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving from A to Z (Pelican Publishing, 2005)

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Postcards from Chicago (Raven Tree Press, 2008)


Postcards from New York City (Raven Tree Press, 2008)

Catherine Velasco, ARA, In Conversation with Lisa


Get to know our 2024 Mentor

Catherine Velasco has an in-depth conversation with Lisa about the opportunity, Lisa's feedback process and why you should apply in this inspiring insider look at our Illinois mentor.



The applicant must be an SCBWI Premium Member, residing in Illinois, who has never traditionally published a picture book or chapter book.

– If you are under contract, you are considered published –congratulations! Check out our fall published member opportunities!

– All applicants must be members throughout the 6-month period. 

– Online application is AUG 1 through AUG 7 (11:59 PM CST)

– Please follow application directions. Applicants that do not will be asked to resubmit their application only if time allows.

– In order to apply, applicants should have at least finished a complete draft of your mss, but preferably you are submitting a work of multiple-drafts and that has been peer-critiqued.

– Upload your application package of a 500-word artist statement, sample and completed member questionnaire. (DETAILS BELOW)




Application consists of one WORD file containing the following 3 application elements. Begin each element on a new page of your document.

I.Artist Statement

II. Work-in-progress

III. Member Questionnaire

Author-Illustrators are invited to upload an optional dummy (separate pdf format See directions under OPTIONAL DUMMYS, below.)


– This is a blind application. Do NOT use your name in the naming convention. The title of your work-in-progress as given in your MEMBER QUESTIONAIRE will be matched to the title in your naming convention.

– Please use only alphanumeric characters, spaces, and hyphens when naming your documents (no apostrophes).

– Use docx. for this portion of the application.

NOTE: Improperly named applications will be returned to the applicant for renaming and resubmission ONLY if time allows.



500-words max., on its own page explaining:

a) what the mentorship would mean to you

b) your goal in applying

c) how you are working to hone your craft & career

d) why you write/what you hope to contribute with this ms to children’s literature, etc.


  • Up to 10 pages in length total.
  • This is a blind application.

Formatting your work-in-progress. One manuscript per application please.


a) Format (picture book OR chapter book) AND genre (romance, mystery, biography, etc.) must be at the top of the first page, followed by your LOG LINE.

b) LOG LINE: both picture book and chapter books should have a log line on the first page of ms text, labeled LOG LINE.

See Preparing for Online Pitch Contests: How to Write a Killer Log Line by Laurie Miller


c) add your title

—if your ms is a picture book, begin your manuscript text after the title

—if your ms is a chapter book, begin with a synopsis of no more than 250 words, double-spaced, 1-inch margins. Then add your chapter heading and begin your manuscript.

d) This sample, including your format, genre, title, log line and Chapter book synopsis + manuscript = up to (10) pages total.

—8.5 by 11 inches, 1-inch margins,

—12-point standard font (Arial or Times New Roman), double spaced.

e) author-illustrators may include a SEPARATE .pdf of a picture book dummy of their picture book text, but only as collateral material. The mentor will not comment on or critique your illustrations as part of your mentorship. (SEE DUMMYS, below)

For Poetry: Includes rhyming picture books and chapter books in verse

Poetry submissions should conform to the picture book and chapter book guidelines above and are allowed up to (10) pages; however, poems may be single spaced with a double space between stanzas, per industry standards.

OPTIONAL DUMMYS: If you would like to submit your dummy as part of your application, it will be considered as part of the application as collateral material only. Only the text will be mentored if you are selected for this mentorship.

28 pages plus cover and endpapers maximum. All pages must be contained in a PDF not to exceed 12 inches in height (or width) or 20MB in file size.


– Please use only alphanumeric characters, spaces, and hyphens in title (no apostrophes).

–Only your optional dummy should be a pdf.

NOTE: Improperly named applications will be returned to the applicant for renaming and resubmission ONLY if time allows.


Please provide the following formatted with the letters below, beginning on a new page:

a) Name as it appears in your SCBWI MEMBER PROFILE and preferred name, if applicable.

b) Illinois residence mailing address.

c) email address (if this differs from your email address in your MY PROFILE, please edit MY PROFILE to match for future reference.)

d) phone number

e) Membership end date found in your MEMBER HOME. Your SCBWI membership must be in good standing throughout the course of this 6-month mentorship. The end date should be on or after February 1, 2025.

e) number of years you have been a SCBWI Member.

f) Title and format of your work-in-progress. (I.E.: The Girl with a Pearl Earring / Chapter Book)


  1. Are you in a critique group? Has this work-in-progress been vetted by that group?
  2. If your work-in-progress is a chapter book, have you completed a complete draft? In order to apply, chapter book applicants should have at least finished a complete draft of their mss, but preferably you are submitting a work of multiple-drafts and that has been peer-critiqued.
  3. Has this draft (PB or CB) been critiqued by your critique group?
  4. Have you received professional feedback from an editor, agent or practicing professional on this work as part of an event critique? If it resonated with you, please include a sentence or two in summary of that feedback. Is this something you would like to focus on as part of your mentorship.
  5. What has been your greatest challenge in getting this ms to the point where you could submit it to this mentorship? Would you like help resolving this challenge with the mentor, if your work is selected?
  6. What SCBWI and/or SCBWI-Illinois events have you attended over the last (4) years?
  7. Are you traditionally published in another format? If so, which format? (You cannot apply for this mentorship if you are traditionally published in picture book or chapter book formats.)
  8. Are you self-published in picture book or chapter book formats? (Self-published members may apply.)

If you have questions or are having difficulty with the online submission process, please Email We will consider the date stamp of your initial troubleshooting email to be your submission time while we work through any online application issues with you. SCBWI-Illinois appreciates your patience and help as we work together to make this process convenient and equitable for all users and improve the experience for future applicants.



Before applying, please be sure you can make this a 6-month commitment: 

  • AUG 1st-7th: Online applications accepted. 
  • First week SEP: Winner announced
  • By OCT 1: Written comments delivered to winner and discussed via 
  • phone/Zoom/In-Person Meeting
  • By NOV 1: First Revision handed in
  • By DEC 1: Zoom/Phone/In-Person meeting regarding manuscript's progress, further revision suggestions.
  • By JAN 1: 2nd revision handed in
  • By JAN 31: Final discussion

2024 Mentor


Lisa Katzenberger, Author

Lisa Katzenberger is the author of several books for children, including It Will Be OK: A Story of Empathy, Kindness, and Friendship, A Love Letter to My Library, CROC & GATOR: Swamp Ranger School, I Can Do It Even If I'm Scared: Finding The Brave You, and It Belongs to the World: Frederick Banting and the Discovery of Insulin. Lisa is on the faculty of The Writing Barn where she teaches picture book writing courses including Perfecting the Picture Book, Writing Social Emotional Learning Picture Books, and Write. Submit. Support. She lives in La Grange, Illinois with her husband and two children.

Mentorship Goals

Lisa will work with her mentee on a picture book or chapter book manuscript of any genre, over a 6-month period, focusing on one aspect of their mss, for further development—characterization, plot, emotional arc, theme—whatever she and her mentee decides needs Lisa's expertise! The two goals of the mentorship are to (1) help the writer ready his/her/their manuscript for editorial submission and publication and (2) help the writer grow professionally.

Lisa's books


A Love Letter to My Library (Sourcebooks eXplore, June 2024)


CROC & GATOR SERIES Book 1: Swamp Ranger School (Pixel & Ink, June 2024)


I Can Do It Even If I'm Scared: Finding the Brave You (Sourcebooks eXplore, July 2024)


It Belongs to the World: Frederick Banting and the Discovery of Insulin (Clarion, October 2024)


It Will Be Okay: A Story of Friendship, Kindness and Empathy (Sourcebooks eXplore, 2021)


National Regular Average Ordinary Day (Penguin Workshop, 2021)

Past Mentors & Recipients

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2015 Picture Book Text Winner: Amy Alznauer | Mentor Esther Hershenhorn, RAE


2016 Novel Winner: Gay Lynn Cronin with Mentor Sarah Aronson, PAL

2018 Picture Book Text Winner: Elaine Bearden with Mentor Julia Durango, PAL

2019 Novel Winner: Holly Jones with Mentor Kate Hannigan, PAL

2020 Non-fiction PB Text Winner: Claire Reck with Mentor Suzanne Slade, PAL

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2022 Novel Winner: Veronica Rundell with Mentor Michael Leali, PAL