SoCal: Inland Empire Meet-ups and Critique Groups

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SoCal Inland Empire Group

Join us to discuss writing and publishing and critique our work- Picture Books, Middle Grade and Young Adult.

WHEN: March - MS Due Sat. 8, Mtg. 15

Pages for critique are due via email the Saturday before the meeting at midnight, unless otherwise noted. Please submit to Debbie Meneses at:

Inland Empire critique groups are usually held the third Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.


A typical agenda involves announcements, discussions about query letters or submission guidelines, and critiques. Picture book, middle grade, and young adult submissions are welcome for critique. We read the submissions aloud to one another and then provide feedback. We also email critiques to one another. We ask that if you would like to receive a critique, please participate by providing critiques to others. Submission guidelines: 12-point TImes New Roman font, double-spaced, one inch margins on all sides, and between 4-5 pages for MG and YA, and up to 1,500 words. Occasionally there are expectations. Each entry should include the intended genre: YA, PB, or MG, author’s name, and a contact email at the top (header). You are welcome to join the discussion even if you don't submit pages.

WHERE: Zoom meeting For more information or to attend, email Debbie Meneses at:

Future meeting dates will be:

April - MS Due Sat. 12. Mtg. 19

May - MS Due Sat. 10, Mtg. 17

June - MS Due Sat. 14, Mtg. 21

July - MS Due Sat. 12, Mtg. 19

August - MS Due Sat. 9, Mtg.16

September - MS Due Sat. 13, Mtg. 20

October - MS Due Sat. 11, Mtg. 18

November - MS Due Sat. 8, Mtg. 15

December (no mtg.)