Critique Groups

Critique Groups

As any seasoned writer or illustrator can tell you, they wouldn’t be where they are without their faithful critique group. Critique buddies offer support, spot trends or hidden meaning, missed opportunities, provide advice, offer support (you can’t get enough), help you grow in your craft, and so much more. In return, the critiquer learns and grows by the simple act of critiquing another’s work. It’s a nice, tight, fun little circle. Just ask any writer or illustrator.

So, how do you find your people?

One way is to join our Critique Group Google Meet-up Page where you can hook up with like-minded creatives. It's quite simple. You request to be approved through the meet-up page and I'll approve you. Then you’re free to post to the group at large or answer notices from others looking to form or join a critique group. Remember to reach out to recent posts, where they may still be looking.

The Great Critique

Our annual Great Critique event is an informal way to meet other writers and illustrators. Typically taking place in late April, it offers a chance for creatives to have a sample work critiqued by a published writer or illustrator in a small, break-out critique group. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Look for an announcement during January in an email inbox near you.

Go forward and find your people!

Ron Pellegrino

Critique Group Coordinator