Midsouth (Kentucky/Tennessee)

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Welcome to SCBWI Midsouth!

We serve writers and illustrators in Kentucky and Tennessee and are glad you've joined our creative community. To make sure you don't miss out on our local meetups, regional webinars and workshops and the latest news about upcoming events, make the Midsouth your Home Region.

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2025 SCBWI Midsouth Fall Conference – Save the Date!

We're so excited to share with you that the 2025 SCBWI Midsouth conference is in the works! So pencil in on your calendar the dates of September 13 & 14, 2025 – you won't want to miss it! More information to come as everything develops!


Welcome to SCBWI Midsouth (Kentucky/Tennessee)!

Looking to explore your passion for writing or illustrating children's books? As a member you'll gain access to an array of helpful resources, including information on upcoming events, opportunities to connect with other professionals in the industry, and valuable insights on the art of creating and publishing children's books.

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Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!


Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!

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Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!

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Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!

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Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!


Click the paintbrush icon for info about this Midsouth illustrator!


Business Savvy for Creatives

This two-part webinar series begins with first session, Start Here: a Roadmap to Building Your Creative Business, presented by Tanisia "Tee" Moore (March 12 at 6:30 Central / 7:30 Eastern). The second session (April 30 at 6:30 Central / 7:30 Eastern) is The Definitive Communications Primer: Building Communities through Narrative Communication, led by Lys Fulda.

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About Midsouth

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Build Your Community

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Midsouth Events

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Local Meetups

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Looking for a Critique Group?

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Illustrator Lounge


Resources for PAL Members

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Invite a Speaker


Video: Writing and Illustrating for Children 101

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For the Midsouth Newsletter

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Submit "Let's Talk About" Ideas

Membership benefits

Jump into a quick overview of the benefits that SCBWI members can enjoy.

Becoming a translator

Translation: Some Frequently Asked Questions, by Avery Udagawa

Keep in touch

To inquire about local events, awards, or opportunities, please email us at [email protected]

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